Installation views, Sweet Lies. Rethinking Identity, Ludwig Forum Aachen © Photos: Simon Vogel
Authenticity is the word of the moment. The ideal of the identity of inner constitution and external effect is regarded as an expression of true individuality. But to what extent are we our own product? The topics Gender, culture, death, language, and origin demonstrate that we are subject to a considerable degree of environmental influences. They may be particularly powerful or impact us only indirectly, but these factors help to shape the constitution of our self.
Identities are neither static and fixed, nor can they always be chosen freely. This paradoxical condition generates an area of tension between Belonging and exclusion, between acceptance and discrimination, which every human being is subjected to during their life in one way or another. Identities can be restricting or liberating – but they cannot be conclusively defined. Through an exchange with others, we can learn to question how we see ourselves and others and to reconfigure these views.

Robert Rauschenberg
Visual Autobiography, 1968

Morgaine Schäfer
magnify BWS 2078 (exiting or entering) Part 2 / magnify BWS 1049 (woman thinking while walking), 2020, Inkjet Print // Deaconess, Henrietten Stift Hanover Series, 2021

Siggi Sekira
April's News / Nine Little Murmurs, 2019 // Away from Countless Blessings-Series, 2020–2021 // Not a Soul in My Shelter, 2019 // Not a Soul in My Shelter Pt. 2, 2020

Vadim Zakharov
Колодец, 1982–1986